One of thebiggestissuesconcerning purchasing electrical goods or personal care productsare products thathave fake "brand names" orproducts that are 'factory returns' that are'used' 'opened' or tampered with.
The majority (about 95%) of these fake and fraudulent products have been coming out of China and other sellers selling100 branded products for 20 (sorry you aint gonna buy a newbraun top of the line shaver for 20).You name it, Braun, Philips, Remington, Scherna, etc, and list goes on.
Many products on ebay that are too cheap to be true are often graded, this means that the product is a return or damaged productwhich has been refurbished (do you really want to use a toothbrush that has been used by someone else??) opened or modified. This sadly is the case for many products being sold on ebay, always make sure that your able to return faulty items before buying anything from a seller.
If a seller refuses to take returns or ignores emails then you should not deal with them regardless of there products and prices
It is pretty easy to spot out this scam. Here are a few ways that you can spot them out,
1. The listing is from China
2. They give large% discounts in shipping for larger purchases
3. They have many of the same listing over and over again with the same pictures from different sellers.
4. They have private feedback (they do this because of people leaving feedback about being scammed)
5. They have ridiculously low selling prices (sorry, you can't get anew 8995braun shaverfor 10)
6. There is no returns policy
7. There is no warranty
8. Don't be fooled by sellersbeing verified, a powerseller, and or having an about me page!
9. Nine times out of ten, theproduct is in the wrong category
10. If you are still not sure about the authenticity ofa product, ask the sellers specific questions
11. Read the descriptions carefully and beware of buying refurbished, graded items and surplus stock. The quality is often low on such products
Knowing full well that I was going to get scammed with a dodgy import I decided to buy a Philips Smart touch xl from achina sellerto inspect the quality -and of course it was a fake replica. The motor didn't even work and the head fell to pieces when I took it out of the box. The colour was spray painted on (there were numerous smudge marks) and I had wasted 50 (a genuine PhilipsSmart touchshaver retails for 220).
I was also scammed before when buyingan electric toothbrush. The price was 20 below the rrp (which was 30 - I paid 10, thinking I got a great bargain)- it arrived used. There was debris in the bristles and the hygeine seal was broken. To make matters worse the seller refused to refund or replace - Always make sure the seller stands by there products and offers a returns policy and warranty
Please just be safe on Ebay, check the products and use common sense
-Subraj Direct
PS. If your looking for great quality productsat unbeatable prices, you should check out "Subraj Direct" Ebay Store. Under user id: 'subraj123'
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